In the mid 1980s, Apostle Sean Anike began his early ministry as an evangelist for several years before responding to God’s higher call to the office as an apostle and a prophet. Having lived in 12 different countries outside Africa, traveled to 26 different Countries with over 200 different cities within Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia, and USA, he has planted churches and ministries while training, equipping, and ordaining apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, teachers and church leaders.
Apostle Sean Anike is the President and Founder of Sean Anike Global Ministries and Christ Purpose International Church [CPIC] of Dallas, Texas. Being a man preordained, called, and sent by God as an apostle, a prophet, a teacher, and an evangelist, he is driven by a passion to see men and women all over the world come to know the mysteries of the kingdom and to manifest the divine life made available in Christ Jesus.
He is stirring millions of people to experience the transcendent, victorious, and purposeful life. Dr. Sean is an anointed conference speaker and anointed healing minister who manifests the supernatural atmosphere for faith and revelations which provides an atmosphere for miracles, signs ,and wonders. Through his pastoral call and ministry, and his intense passion to reach the peoples of the world with God’s manifested presence and divinity, Apostle Anike has taken this divine commission globally, diligently focused on fulfilling it to the fullest. He has pastored several different churches within the five continents in the last 37 years. He has also planted many churches and launched many ministries for other pastors—now overseeing over 52 churches and ministries across the world in Europe, Africa, Australia, and in the United States of America.
As a renowned, anointed teacher recognized for his deep, cutting-edge revelation, Apostle Anike’s teaching ministry has been busy over the years uncovering the mysteries of the kingdom, pushing revelation knowledge, and building faith into the lives of the saints in Christ, with divine insight for Christian spiritual advancement, virtues, and realities. Through this teaching, he is impacting and empowering millions to live a successful and triumphant life on earth BEFORE being rewarded with eternal life with Christ in Heaven!
Apostle Sean specializes in the following areas:
• Apostolic Training
• Prophetic Training
• Pastoral Training
• Ministry Startup Training
• Strategy/ Structure Training
• Ministry Consultation
• Ministry Crisis Consultation
• Crisis Management
To schedule Apostle Sean Anike to speak at your next event, conference, seminar, or for apostolic training and counseling, please click here for more information.

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