RUACH School of the Prophets is an atmosphere for prophetic training, uncovered mysteries, full prophetic activations, prophetic impartation, prophetic affirmations, and divine empowerments The school, founded in 1999, covers a whole body of the prophetic foundations, principles, protocols, and Spirit-led prophetic functions made up of 15 classes with over 55 different subjects (60 course hours) that are sensitive and critical to the prophetic call, the prophetic office, and prophetic gifts. Graduates of the School of the Prophets receive a certificate at the completion of a spring or fall season.
Who can attend: RUACH School of the Prophets is open for all the five-fold offices and those in the prophetic call and office, including those with prophetic gifts and those who desire prophetic gifts consisting of ministers, church leaders and workers, elders, deacons/deaconesses, business men and women, CEOs from corporate to small business owners, careers and corporate America, or outside USA.
Positions and status: No matter your position or status, you can attend the RUACH Prophetic School. Are you a prophet or a prophetess? Are you called in the prophetic office? Are you a senior pastor, co-pastor or minister? Are you a prophetic psalmist? Are you a business owner? Do you want a full and clear understanding of your prophetic call and office? Do you have prophetic gifts? Do you desire a full understanding of the prophetic functions? Do you want to be trained and activated in the prophetic call and gifts? Do you want to function effectively in the prophetic flow?
Be sure to register for our upcoming RUACH School of the Prophets 2024 coming May 9, 2024 through May 25, 2024. Secure your spot and register NOW!
Be sure to register for our upcoming RUACH School of the Prophets 2024 coming May 9, 2024 through May 25, 2024. Secure your spot and register NOW!
Contact Sean Anike Global Ministries for any general questions or inquiries you may have.